Studying languages made simple!

Read popular books and short stories in English, Spanish, German and more. With translation of every word or sentence !

Instant translation

Our app's instant translation feature revolutionizes your reading experience. With a single tap, you can translate any sentence in the book you're reading into a language you understand. Not sure about a particular word? Simply double-tap on that word and our app will provide you with a translation in real-time. Say goodbye to language barriers and experience the freedom to read in any language with ease.

Personalized dictionary

Our app's dictionary feature allows you to save words, group them into sections, and access phonetics, synonyms and definitions. Expand your vocabulary and refine your language skills with ease. Upgrade your reading experience with our advanced dictionary

Huge library

Not only does our app feature advanced language learning tools, but it also boasts a massive collection of more than 3000 books and short stories. From classic to futuristic literature, our app has something for everyone. Access a comprehensive library of books and supercharge your language learning journey.

Welcome to duoBooks App

App is designed for effortless reading in language you want to learn. You will have access to translation of every word or sentence of books that you are reading. Import your own files or use our huge library of ready to read books and short stories. 

Download on AppStore

"I recently started using the duoBooks app and I am thrilled with the results! This app has made it so easy for me to read books in English, which was previously a struggle for me. I highly recommend duoBooks to anyone looking to improve their English reading skills. Overall, a fantastic app that I will continue to use."

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